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ThriftWise is not just another thrift store. It’s a place of purpose where you can fill your needs, satisfy your wants, and leave knowing you’ve made a difference in the lives of domestic abuse and sexual assault survivors.


The thrill of the bargain hunt … the comfort that comes with meeting your family’s needs without sacrifice … the gratitude and hope inspired by giving back to your community.

At ThriftWise (formerly PennyWise Resale), our focus is on “Goods that do good.” More than a tagline, it’s our way of recognizing that we do more than sell goods or products. We accomplish a mission. We partner with our community. We inspire sustainability and confidence. We provide value and fill needs. We strive to make a meaningful difference every day. In other words, “Our Goods do good.” So give back to your community, help survivors and reduce your carbon footprint!

ThriftWise supports the mission of Fort Bend Women's Center: to assist ALL survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault and their children to achieve safety and self-sufficiency, while striving to prevent violence against women.

Since its' founding in 1980, the Fort Bend Women's Center has helped more than 52,000 survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault. We are always here to help our neighbors in their time of need.


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